Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chapter 7 Question 3

One concept that I liked this week and wanted to further explain is the concept of using Generalization. Generalization is making assumptions or a conclusion on a certain matter. I do this all the time. Is it always right? Heck no. Generalizations are actually usually wrong, at least in my case. I used to be really bad when I was younger. I would look at someone, evaluate how they look, talk, and review their actions. I would make snap generalizations on if I liked the person or not. This was such a bad thing to do. I really missed out on some wonderful people. I now always try to actually get to know a person and not make certain generalizations about them. Like the book says, generalizations are not necessarily true or false- and might even be a weak or strong argument. Anyways, in my case generalizations have never been the best for me, but they were really cool to learn about this week.




  1. I agree with your statement about Generalization. It’s all assumptions and it’s never a good thing. I too use to generalize others when I was young, I think that’s how most youngsters did it, especially when it came with making friends with others through how they look and acted. We all generalize others; it’s almost part of us because of the experiences that we may have come across with in our lives. If we find something familiar, we assume it maybe the same to said matter. Just like the saying, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, it’s always good to know someone thoroughly instead of generalizing and assuming how they are from looks, actions, and personal experience.

  2. Hey Greek Guy,
    I enjoyed this post because I feel like we all do this all the time. Overgeneralizations are what we do all the time. Just like you said, we look at how tall the person is; we look at what they are wearing and make generalizations about the person. It is not good to do this but our daily lives revolve around overgeneralizations. The book says that overgeneralizations or not always true nor false. There is also a great example made by the book about the Milgram study. He made an overgeneralization about society as a whole by conducting one experiment. I agree that overgeneralizations are never good and shouldn’t be made.
