Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 3

One concept that I really enjoyed reading about this week was product placement. Many of us see this everyday, whether it is on the tv or on the computer- we can see it. Just think about the good old days when American Idol was the biggest thing. What did the judges always have infront of them, sipping on, making it a huge thing- CocaCola. It was the one drink I can still picture Simon Cowell getting spilt with when he poorly critiqued a singer. Or another example, when you go to a sporting game. Do you see any product placement there? Forsure. When one goes they see names of brands all over the stadium and sometimes even on jerseys. This is such a great marketing strategy because it will always be shown- whether it be in real life or on the television. Overall, I really liked this concept because it really showed how important it is to show ones product in a positive light. 


  1. I also thought that the product placement concept of this chapter was interesting. I hadn’t actually thought about how much product placement there is in the media until I read this chapter. But I guess that’s the way it is meant to be. I don’t think they want us to completely notice what one of the characters in the television show is drinking or buying. They want in the back of our heads when we are going out to buy something and I have to say that, where I’m concerned, it is very effective. I can’t count all of the things I’ve bought over the years only because it looked cool on tv.

  2. Product placement was a good concept from this weeks reading. It comes to show how it is used everyday and it is seen everywhere you go. I totally agree with you on how during American Idol, there were many CocaCola product placements. I never realized how they are sipping a Coca Cola glass until you mentioned it. A good strategy Gatorade uses is how they use product placement for sporting events. It targets everyone from any sport making the commercials very entertaining. After watching Gatorade commercials always makes me quench for the thirst. This is a very good marketing strategy because product placement can be seen anywhere.

  3. I did not really think of it as a big deal but that is maybe because I was little and a little oblivious to marketing. But as of now I can see how much marketing played a role in television. So when you point out American Idol, I believe that show is the epitome of product placement with the Coca Cola and Pepsi Cups! It literally is out there in the open on their tables with the big logo on the cup itself. Also the commercials play a big factor such as the many Pepsi commercials that go with their many commercial breaks as they try to build suspense which I feel a lot of people got annoyed by.
