Friday, October 19, 2012

Chapter 4 Question 3

In this chapter what really stuck with me is the false memory syndrome. This syndrome lets people recall events that have happened to them so vividly, but that actually never happened to the individual. I have had this happen to me so many times in my life. I always bring up stories to my parents and siblings that I vividly remember, but that never actually happened. I still remember this one story that I climbed a tree in my front yard and then a branch broke, and i had to hold on to another one until my father came to save the day, but my parents cannot recall that ever happening. Therefore I think that in high stress situations, stories get made up in the mind, that might have happened, but not exactly as one remembers. That is why in police reports, I believe, that 50% of information is false. Falling out of a tree might have been my high stress story that led to something false being remembered, but if it was something involving a police coming, I think that the same syndrome might happen. Anyways, I thought it was a cool piece of fact that I learned this week and wanted to elaborate on it. Thanks for reading and have a great week.




  1. Hi Greek Guy,
    This concept was really interesting to read! Your explanation and short story made it relatable to my experiences with this. This happened to me all the time and especially when talking to my siblings. They always trick me and ask me if I remember a certain event, and when I start to “remember” they tell me I wasn’t born yet. I think that false memory syndrome is extremely common and happens to everyone. This should also be taken into consideration when evaluating witness testimony in court rooms. I believe that false memory syndrome happens to everyone whether we like it or not and this is a good concept to recognize!

  2. I also found that false memory syndrome was the most that stuck out to me. This syndrome I feel a lot of people can relate to. It just involves the human way of interpretation. I mean these memories can be either real or fake without the knowledge of it being real. It can simply be from a dream that felt real enough to make people believe it happened. I know I can relate to this because I do explain in my post as well that I have experienced something like this if not the actually syndrome itself. It is great knowing that I am not the only one.
