Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 1

In a world full of advertising and marketing, I have noticed all types of marketing strategies. Advertising in media, product placement, Consumer awareness, Swot marketing, and more. As for the SWOT marketing I noticed it when I went to Starbucks. Starbucks has a method of making one feel good when they walk in. It is not just the coffee, because coffee can be made anywhere, it is the atmosphere. Walking into Starbucks, dare I say, is a calm, soothing, spiritual encounter. Not only the atmosphere, but the baristas. All you have to do is talk to them, and most of the time a discount or a free drink comes one's way. Along with that, Starbucks is on the internet, TV, ads and more. They have not only built a coffee shop, they built a name. This is the whole part of marketing and advertising, it is supposed to make one want to go to that company and buy the item. Knowing this, I am an business major. These valuable skills I learn this week with marketing strategies will really help when I make a business of my own in the future. Overall, I liked the material this week.

Thanks for reading,



  1. I completely agree with you! I never realized how Starbucks uses SWOT marketing until I read this! Its true, ever single time I walk into Starbucks immediately I am greeted by the smiley employers and they take my order instantly. Just the environment they have created makes you feel so comfortable and feel at home. Like you also said the fact that they offer discount and a free drink every now and then makes you enjoy it even more. I personally feel like I have an addiction to coffee. But not any coffee, it has to be from Starbucks. Even if I try my everyday Tall White Mocha at Peets or Tullys it never tastes the same as it is in Starbucks.

  2. Hi Greek Guy,

    I agree with you that Starbucks has a good marketing strategy. I think the SWOT model helps them to identify their company in the market and in the world, and it brings success to the company. Starbucks has varies strengthens and opportunities, since they have many locations all over the world and have global influences because they are a worldwide company. I cannot think of weakness and threats except the quality of coffee might not be the same and strong local competitors. Besides of that, I think Starbucks have done a great job on their marketing plans.


  3. Hello Greek Guy,
    I enjoy this example of a marketing strategy. I agree with you that Starbucks has a great marketing strategy. Like you stated Starbucks does other things that have help it become a house hold name. Starbucks can be seen everywhere now but this took a lot of marketing and advertising in order to accomplish the success it has today. Starbucks had to spend large amounts of money in order to bring us the atmosphere we step into today. I like the way you pointed out how entering a Starbucks bring those emotions up with in you and probably many. I think that is strong evidence of how successful they have been with their marketing. Thank you for a great post.


  4. Hi Greek Guy,
    I totally agree with you on the Starbucks environment! I am always so drawn in by their stores. I would choose Starbucks over Philz or Tully’s any day. When you say, "anyone can make coffee" , it reminds me of something I tell my mom about her cooking. Sometimes she cooks great dishes but it’s missing love. Sounds funny, I know, but it’s true. I feel like with Starbucks, they really care about their customers’ needs and their main component is love. Haha. I really like that the baristas are always in a great mood despite the fact that some have been their working since 6:00 a.m. I think Starbucks has the most effective marketing strategy than any other coffee place. I seriously enjoy reading your posts all the time! Good stuff.

  5. Dear Greek Guy,

    I completely agree with about Starbucks. Starbucks is a well-known coffee shop that every coffee lover craves. Not only is a coffee shop, but also it is a place for people to interact and have study groups. They welcome you and it is a cool inviting environment. The employees are fantastic and I always good being a customer. That is a great marketing strategy; making people feel good while ordering a cup of coffee. It’s beyond a coffee shop it is a name that everyone knows of and goes to before class or right before work which is a good marketing plan.
