Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chapter 12 Question 2

As I remember the past, I am made so many incorrect assumptions just by the way I perceived something. Lets take it back to last January, I was alone on my birthday and my friends were blowing me off. I was so upset, and so mad. I was done with my friends and I swore them out- to say the least. I wanted to just get a coffee on my birthday, was that to hard to ask. So, I went to coffee with my sister instead and she took me out to dinner and I had a good time with her. As I come home, I am still mad. That was, until...........BOOM. Happy Birthday COSTA! The whole time my friends were planning a surprise birthday with my parents and of course after thinking about it, my observation of my friends were wrong. Scientific knowledge let me rethink my thoughts and act on it correctly. After some trial and error, I finally understood why my friends were acting so harsh all day, to pull this surprise on me. It was a hard lesson, but it taught me rethink before you speak. It was a fun birthday, but I feel really stupid still thinking about how I acted. 


  1. Hello Greek Guy,
    This was honestly one of the funniest things ever because it has happened to me. I was going to write about this but then decided not to. As soon as you said birthday and no one showed up or said hello I knew it surprise party. However, I know the feeling of thinking people forgot your special day. 2 years ago I thought my friends had forgotten my birthday also and I was super sad. As it turned out they got together and threw me a bash that I will not soon forget. I really liked your example and it is easy to see why you jumped to your conclusion. Thanks for the laugh Greek Guy.


  2. This is similar to what happened to me for my 16th birthday! I remember being blown of by my friends constantly. Every time I came up to my friends they would stop talking and slowly drift away from me one by one. They did this a whole entire week before my birthday and I was so mad at them and I felt really hurt and upset. I thought I didn’t have any friends anymore and I would cry almost every night. Finally, on the day of my birthday I was surprise by a huge sweet 16 surprise birthday party and they soon revealed why they were acting so shady during school and it was because they were planning the party. I also had trail and error and then finally understood why they were acting like that.

  3. I’ve definitely been blindsided by my own misconceptions as well. There have been plenty of times when I thought something or someone was a certain way and only found that I was upon further inspection. For instance, I remember being really angry at my friend for insulting me at this party we went to. I stopped talking to him for like a week and was sure I was through with hanging out with him. It wasn’t until another friend pointed out to me that I had insulted him first that I realized he had only been retaliating. I felt really stupid about it and ended up apologizing.

  4. Interesting! This has happened to me as well. I have both been the victim of a surprise as well as a person throwing the surprise. It is tough being the surpriser when you have to act harsh to the person, and it can easily bring up assumptions like, "what the heck? my friends suck. Won't even hang out with me on my birthday." It is hard to not come to these stupid assumptions and act out based on them, and I feel like that is something everyone needs to work on. People always tend to act upon things without knowing the full details as to what is going on.

  5. Hi Greek Guy,
    Reading your post reminded me of my going away party. This happened my senior year in high school and I was moving to San Jose as soon as I graduated high school. I mentioned to my parents that I wanted a small get together at my house with a couple of my friends and family before I left to San Jose. They told me that I was crazy and that I should worry about school rather than having a party. The date I wanted my party was now my nephew’s birthday party. I was so mad and then the day finally came when my nephew was supposed to have his party and it turned out to be mine! It sucks when you make assumptions like this but it feels great when it works out in your favor.

  6. I have had this happen to me before. It is funny how sometimes our friends will risk us being mad at them just to do something extra special for us. I think that it is really fortunate that you had friends who wanted to do something nice like that for you. One time for my birthday, the same thing happened. I felt almost betrayed by my friends that I considered the best. Then I got to dinner, and there they were. All my friends ready to have a good time.

  7. I believe when I say that this is very relatable everyone can agree. I have been through situations like this many times and especially this particular situation. It happened my 16th birthday when I thought I was suppose to go with my friends to the beach for a beach trip. I was ready for the 4 hour drive to the nearest beach and all of a sudden I get a call from my best friend and he said that we are not going anymore and that everyone apparently bailed out. I was really frustrated because I was waiting for this trip for weeks and to have it canceled was saddening. I went to his house because he wanted to hangout and I spent the day there and went back home and I was also surprised by my friends and family. They wanted me home for my birthday but we ended up going to the beach the next day anyways.

  8. Hello Greek Guy,
    That sounds like a very interesting experience! It must have been a lot of fun. I've had several experiences like the one that you had with your birthday. Basically scenarios where your friends or family have planned something behind your back and they completely do a 180 and treat you poorly. However for the fun of the situation they continue this behavior until they fill you in on the joke. This can often be used as humorous and fun. Like when my mom for my 7th birthday kept a present from me and I thought I didn't get it and cried then she gave it to me.
