From my prospective, Dawkins does not think that God and evolution mix. Dawkins contradicts all of Aquinas "5 Proofs of God" and makes the whole piece that Aquinas wrote sound like a mockery. I think that it is too much to mix religion and people- it is a battle that will never end. In both cases, sometimes people just have to agree to disagree. It is more psychological and spiritual to those who think that evolution and God mix together. These type of people like to put a name on the supernatural and everything that has happened and will happen. Those who don't like to put a name on evolution, are more scientific and logical thinkers. They need a science reason behind everything that happens, and will do everything they can to find a reason why. When you mix an emotional thinker with a scientific thinker, they will just fight. It will never work- a mutual decision will never be made.
I agree with what you said because first of all the "5 proofs of God" were absolutely ridiculous. Second of all, the fact that there is an ultimatum set whether one will go to heaven or one will go to hell based on their belief in God or not will close those who have faith's mind on whether or not God actually does exist. On the other hand, there are people who think the theory of God existing and creating everything is absurd and will never be open minded to God truly existing. There will never be a decision unless there is solid evidence proving one's existence and until then, it will consistently be a fight no one will win.